Catálogo de genética bovina » Raças de Corte
registro: 902941
sexo: macho
nascimento: 01/11/2011
criador: V8 Ranch
proprietário: V8 RANCH
comercialização: PREMIUMGEN
2014 Reserve Champion Bull at Houston
A outstanding herd sire who sires very long bodied, upheaded, muscular, thick, eye appealing, and gentle calves. He is the sire of the 2017 Houston Grand Champion Bull, Man of Steel.
It’s no surprise that 191 has what it takes to be a great herd sire. Great bulls come from great cow families. His dam is the phenomenal Miss V8 464/6 from the famed Claydesta cow family. His full brother, Mr. V8 194/7 was also a very consistent class and division winner throughout his show career. Both of these bulls are ones you can hang your hat on for improvement with a great disposition.