Catálogo de genética bovina » Raças de Corte
registro: 907983
sexo: macho
nascimento: 11/01/2011
criador: V8 Ranch
proprietário: V8 RANCH
comercialização: PREMIUMGEN
259/7 has been the #1 highest volume semen seller at V8 Ranch for the last 3 years. It’s easy to see why, when you look at the beef industry relevant package that this bull offers. His calves have consistently been born light, weaned as some of the heaviest, gained well through the yearling stage, and have been some of the top scanning calves when ultrasounded , as compared to their contemporaries. With the impressive amount of gains that his calves display, they manage to level off and maintain a moderate mature frame size.
He has been used with great success across several breeds for crossbreeding and breeding up programs for other American breeds. His universal appeal and relevance to the real world make him an asset to any breeding program.